Editor: Sublime


My preferences and used packages: https://github.com/hamxiaoz/my-scripts

The following looks good but not tested




How to have an "Open with sublime" icon in Finder toolbar?

How to open current folder in command line?

  • do this [setup](Open current folder in command line, do this setup

  • then you can use like this: subl .



Pane Management

  • ALT+CMD+num: open number of panes

  • CTRL+num: switch to pane

  • CTRL+SHIT+num: move tab to pane

Inside pane:

  • CMD+1/2/3: go to tab, most avtive to tabs

  • SHIFT+CMD+[/]: go to next tab

Use Origami: super+k to start:

  • super+z to zoom, shift+super+z to reset

  • use arrow to switch to panes

    • press shift to carry file.

    • press alt to clone file.

Selections / Multiple line editing


  • select the whole word even you're in the middle

  • hit multiple times will add up selections (multiple edit)

CMD+G: find next (cmd+D first), similar to it but it has visual

CTRL+CMD+G: select all current highlight

CMD+SHIFT+L: split lines in selection, then v to exit visual mode

SHIFT+CMD+SPACE: select parent scope, can I do it in vintage without telling the parent?

symbol search in ST3

Editing Tips

How to remove the bullet points '1./2./3.' for multiple lines?

Old way in vim: line by line.

  • delete on 1st line then j0.

  • or q to record to 1 then 10@1

New way in vim/ST: multiple line editing:

  • select all lines

  • split lines selection: SHIFT+CMD+L

  • v to exit v mode then 0dw


- US Patent No. 4,136,359: "Microcomputer for use with video display"[41]—for which he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
- US Patent No. 4,210,959: "Controller for magnetic disc, recorder, or the like"[42]
- US Patent No. 4,217,604: "Apparatus for digitally controlling PAL color display"[43]
- US Patent No. 4,278,972: "Digitally-controlled color signal generation means for use with display"[44]

# TO:
US Patent No. 4,136,359: "Microcomputer for use with video display"[41]—for which he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
US Patent No. 4,210,959: "Controller for magnetic disc, recorder, or the like"[42]
US Patent No. 4,217,604: "Apparatus for digitally controlling PAL color display"[43]
US Patent No. 4,278,972: "Digitally-controlled color signal generation means for use with display"[44]

# answer (with vi mode): V -> } -> CMD+SHIFT+L -> v -> 0 -> dw -> ESC

Last updated