
Ruby (todo)


irb: _ is the last result.


global variable

$count = 1

instance variable, using "@", accessing it by using "self." You don't need to declare it somewhere, just use it.


Be careful, as you cannot simply declare and use it. It becomes not nil only after it's be assigned. (

if using "attr_accessor", the variable becomes a C# property. Then we can use it by using "@"

attr_accessor :count # note this statement uses symbol ':count', you can also use a string to define an attribute: 
attr_accessor 'count'
# is the same as 
def count; @count; end
def count=(var); @count = var; end
# to use it, @count = something.

class(static) variable: @@ (attribute all)


class(static) method

def self.this_is_a_static_method=(value)
def ClassName.this_is_a_static_method
# The above two are the same because in class definition call, self is set to class.


By default, variable inside class are protected

:count is a symbol. A Ruby symbol is a thing that has both a number (integer) representation and a string representation.

ruby constructor:

def initialize(a, b) self.a = a end

how to new:

person ="a","b")

C# params:

public string Concat(params String[] items) -> def concat(*items) result = "" items.each do |item| result += item end result end

Method can be called without writing parentheses:

results = method_name parameter1, parameter2 # calling method, not using parentheses

Another technique that Ruby allows is to give a Hash when invoking a function, and that gives you best of all worlds: named parameters, and variable argument length.

def accepts_hash( var ) print "got: ", var.inspect # will print out what it received end accepts_hash :arg1 => 'giving arg1', :argN => 'giving argN'

# => got: {:argN=>"giving argN", :arg1=>"giving arg1"}

You see, the arguments for accepts_hash got rolled up into one hash variable. This technique is heavily used in the Ruby On Rails API. Use Hash to remove arguments order dependency. The above lines are equivalent to the more verbose ones:

accepts_hash( :arg1 => 'giving arg1', :argN => 'giving argN' ) # argument list enclosed in parens accepts_hash( { :arg1 => 'giving arg1', :argN => 'giving argN' } ) # hash is explicitly created

how to write block?

items.each { |item| result += item } items.each do |item|

    # ...
C#: public void Each<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, Action<T> func); item.Each( (s)=> {result+=s;});

block: the yield statement actually calls the block

def do_twice yield yield end do_twice {puts 'hola'} # the block will be called twice because of two yields.

convert a block to a Proc: using lambda block is like a unborn Proc. source

say = lambda { |something| puts something }

how to patch class?

class << ThisIsAClassBeingPatched def new_method puts 'new method' end end


!! NOT TURE a block can overrite the variable

f = 'a' ['a', 'b', 'c'].each do |f| puts f end puts f # f is now 'c'

if doesn't introduce new scope!

if k.start_with? "0x" value = k.to_i(16) else value = k.to_i(2 end puts value


"unless" is a negation of "if"

you can/should put "unless" and "if" at the end of the statement, like English:

  • puts "it's valid" if is_valid

  • puts "it's not valid" unless is_valid

    you can put them together:

  • puts "do this if a is true and b is not true" if a unless b

ruby range:

(1..10).each {|num| puts num}
(1..10) does from 1 to 10 (including ends)
(1...10) does from 1 to 9
(1..10).step(2) steps 2 so it is 1, 3, ...
("aaa".."bbb") gets every permutation: "aaa", "aab"...

<< is a concat method, it works with string too: a = “b" a << "c"

how to do swtich/case? it is called case..when in Ruby:

  case year
    when 1983
        puts "1983"
    when 1982
        puts "1982"
        puts 'anything'

===, triple equal, longer rope but sags in the middel, which means it is more flexible than equal. It means included.

assert( (1900..1930) === 1918, true)

exception handling:

    def pick
        raise ArgumentError, 'this is error'
        rescue ArgumentError

throw exception:

fail 'message'

yield is used to invoke block

    def a_method
        puts 'a'
        yield '1st', '2nd'
        puts 'b'
    a_method { |a, b| puts 'in block, #{a}, #{b}'}
    # outputs: 'a', 'in block 1st 2nd', 'b'

Ultimately blocks are really just an implementation of the strategy pattern.


lambda = ->(a, b) { a + b } lambda.(1, 2)


result = { |_, v| v + 1 }

string difference between single quote and double quote:

  • single quote: no interpolation: '#{my_name}' => #{my_name}

  • single quote: no interpolation so no escaping. '\n' => \n

  • "".empty? is true; ni.to_s.empty? is true


  • nil.empty? throws exception. You'll have to use nil.nil?

  • **only nil and false evaluates false in if statement; everything other object (including 0) evaluates therubygame.

shortcut p :name is the same as puts :name.inspect

parentheses in Ruby are optional:

stylesheet_link_tag("application", :media => "all") is the same as stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all"

when hash are the last argument, the curly brases are optional

stylesheet_link_tag "application", { :media => "all" } is the same as stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all"


Array (like C# List)

    define: a = [1,2]
    use `%w[]` to make a string array
        `a = %w[foo bar baz quux] => ["foo", "bar", "baz", "quux"] `
    insert: a << 3 (insert method) object a.push(3)
    insert: a.push(3,4,5)
    fetch: last item: a[-1]
    fetch methods: first, last, second
    methods: shuffle, sort, reverse, or use 'bang' method to change itself
    map or collect is like C# Select
    select or find, or reject is like C# Where
    transform array to string:
        colors = ["blue", "red"]
        puts colors.join(',')


  • condition

    find(return the first), select/find_all(return all)

  • transform

    map: [1, 2, 3, 4].map { |i| i.to_s } or [1, 2, 3, 4].map(&:to_s)

What is Enumerable.inject or reduce?? There is alow a each_with_object method:

  • use a memo to combine all elements.

  • if using block, pass 'memo' and 'object'

    array.inject({}).{|memo, object| do_something_to_h_using_a; h}

    array.each_with_object({}) {|a, h| do_something_to_h_using_a} # <= h not here

Hash (key value pair)

    define: jobs = {}
    `h =` the constructor defines a **default** value for all nonexistent key
    jobs["random key"] is nil if no default value is defined, see above line
    jobs["developer"] = "Andrew"
    jobs = { "developer" => "Andrew" } # the keys are strings, the '=>' is called **hashrocket**
    jobs = { :developer => "Andrew", :developer2 => "AZ" } # the keys are symbols
    jobs = { developer: "Andrew", developer2: "AZ" } # the keys become symbol! This is the v1.9 feature, see here:
    The v1.9 feature makes ruby looks more like other language such as JavaScript.
    using symbol: jobs = {} jobs[:Developer] = "Andrew"
    the convension is to put extra space at the two end of a hash
    jobs.each { |key, value| puts "x"}
    fetch method: jobs.fetch(:Developer, "default value")

    used in parameter: the parameter accepts a hash, if nothing is passed, it uses the default value {}
        def print_name(params = {})

Set (unordered value with no duplicates, like HashSet in C#)

?? Class inheritance


    class Employee
        attr_accessor :first_name
        attr_accessor :second_name

    class Manager < Employee
        def vacation_days

    # NOTE this shows duck typing: this class is not even an employee but can be passed to print_days
    class Dancer
        def vacation_days

    def print_days(employee)
        puts "#{employee.vacation_days}"

how does Ruby know employee has a vacation_days method? duck typing.



Ruby class:

  • String < Object < BasicObject

  • use superclass to get its super class

singleton methods: methods defined to a particular object.

animal = 'cat' def animal.speak puts 'miaow' end animal.speak

class << foo opens foo's singleton class (eigenclass). class << self opens up self's singleton class, so that methods can be redefined for the current self object (which inside a class or module body is the class or module itself). Usually, this is used to define class/module ("static") methods:

class String class << self def value_of obj obj.to_s end end end String.value_of 42 # => "42"

module: module Mod def meth 'lala' end end usage: Mod.meth include a module makes module a super class of the target class: class Object < BaseClass after include module: class Object < Module < BaseClass

mixins: include the module then module methods become instance methods. class Song include Mod end s = s.meth

How to test a single method from a module?

Module Foo def get_file; end def self.get_file_can_call_directly; end end Foo.get_file_can_call_directly

How to create a method that creates methods? The following creates instance methods

def define_methods_for_enviroment(names) names.each do |name| class_eval <<-EOS def #{name} data[env]['#{name}'] end EOS end end

extend vs include

  • extend will make the methods available to class level: add as class methods

    NOTE a.extend model_b is different, it'll add instance methods to the object a.

  • inlucde will add as instance methods


String#split: if passing a empty delimiter, string is splitted as characters if no spaces

'abc'.split => ['a', 'b', 'c'] 'ab c'.split => ['ab', 'c']


Use require_relative to load file

require_relative '../lib/cmd'


Use match or =~ (equals-tilde operator) to match regex;

  • match returns MatchObject or nil, it returns the 1st match

  • =~ returns matched position number in int or nil

    match returns MatchData, where the 1st is the entire match string and others are matches.

    'B0'.match /([A-Z])([0-9])/ => #

Use scan to return all match results.

str.match[2] reads much nicer than str.scan[0][1]. ruby-1.9.2-p290 :002 > 'a 1-night stay, a 2-night stay'.scan(/(a )?(\d)[- ]night/i).to_a => [["a ", "1"], ["a ", "2"]] ruby-1.9.2-p290 :004 > 'a 1-night stay, a 2-night stay'.match(/(a )?(\d)[- ]night/i).to_a => ["a 1-night", "a ", "1"]


check null and if not null check other property:

if user && user.authenticate(params[:session][:password])

assign to a value if it's nil but otherwise leave it alone.

a = @current_user ||= find_by_id(1)

different return value

first, *rest = ex.split(/, /)

array slice


Use hash and lambda for rules: how rubygem "> 1.3" works (from rubygems::requirement.rb)

OPS = { #:nodoc: "=" => lambda { |v, r| v == r }, "!=" => lambda { |v, r| v != r }, ">" => lambda { |v, r| v > r }, "<" => lambda { |v, r| v < r }, ">=" => lambda { |v, r| v >= r }, "<=" => lambda { |v, r| v <= r }, "~>" => lambda { |v, r| v >= r && v.release < r.bump } }

def satisfied_by? version

# #28965: syck has a bug with unquoted '=' YAML.loading as YAML::DefaultKey
requirements.all? { |op, rv| (OPS[op] || OPS["="]).call version, rv }


Use hash to represent rules: how do you implement the rock/scissors/paper rules?

this two line provide both rule and the list of possible throws

@defeat = {rock: :scissors, scissors: :paper, paper: :rock}
@throws = @defeat.keys
# rule checking
user_throw = get_user_throw().to_sym
computer_throw = @throws.sample
if computer_throw == @defeat[user_throw]
    puts 'computer win'

How to colorize text

'colorize' gem NOTE on windows you need to manually require 'win32console' when using it, as 'colorize' only checks if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ and in some cases RUBY_PLATFORM returns i386-mingw32.

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