


Common comands

# merge from staging
git merge origin/staging

Custom bash function

# add this to .zshrc

# usage: newUS sprint15/US-12345
function newUS() {
  git checkout -b feature/$1 --no-track origin/staging

# create PR on bitbucket from current branch to feature/paycard-staging
# you should publish the branch first: git push -u first
function newPR() {
  branch_name="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
  open "${branch_name}&targetRepoId=6565" 

Tips: merge base when you have changes already commited locally

git reset --soft "HEAD^"
git stash
git merge origin/feature/paycard-staging
git stash apply
git add .
git commit

Alias Command


    ac = !git add -A && git commit -am
    s = status

Last updated