Switch to file pane: SHIFT+CMD+E (How to remember? Same hotkey prefix for find: SHIFT+CMD+F)
Open file in next pane: Hold CMD while click the file or CMD+ENTER
Swith to the search pane: SHIFT+CMD+F (simialr to Explorer pane: SHIFT+CMD+E)
Switch search history: ALT+UP/DOWN
Path glob pattern:
Click on the toggle to the right to enable the glob pattern syntax:
* to match one or more characters in a path segment
? to match on one character in a path segment
** to match any number of path segments, including none
{} to group conditions (e.g. {**/*.html,**/*.txt} matches all HTML and text files)
[] to declare a range of characters to match (e.g., example.[0-9] to match on example.0, example.1, …)
Navigation in Editor
Switch editors p 1/2/3: CMD+1/2
in CMD+P Quick Open list, hit enter to open in current pane, hit CMD+\ to open in next pane.
Move active editor to left/right group: CTRL+CMD+LEFT/RIGHT
Find by symbol (instead of find by text): CMD+SHIFT+O
When viewing JSON file, it'll find by the key.
When viewing HTML, it'll find by class or id.
File navigation:
:punch: Show list of files in one editor or go back and forth between files: CTRL+TAB
CTRL+- to go back last file
to last position: CMD+U
Code reformatting: CMD+K, CMD+F
Code folding: SHIFT+CMD+[ or ]
Trim trailing whitespace: CMD+SHIFT+X
In Insert mode, use ALT/OPTION + click to add multiple cursor, then press ESC to go to view mode.
In Normal mode, use CMD+D to select multiple instances, then press ESC to go to view mode.
In Insert mode, select lines and use SHIFT+CMD+L to turn lines into selections. (Require custom keyboard setup, see eblow)
How to select all in file search result? CMD+F -> type search word -> ALT + ENTER
Terminal: "ctrl+`"
Custom Hotkeys
// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults[// Maximize current editor {"key":"cmd+k cmd+m","command":"workbench.action.maximizeEditor","when":"editorTextFocus" },// Exit Maximize current editor {"key":"cmd+k cmd+n","command":"workbench.action.evenEditorWidths","when":"editorTextFocus" },// Similar to Sublime, convert selection into line selections {"key":"cmd+shift+l","command":"editor.action.insertCursorAtEndOfEachLineSelected","when":"editorTextFocus" },// quick switch window: CMD+R {"key":"cmd+r","command":"workbench.action.quickSwitchWindow" }, {"key":"cmd+r","command":"workbench.action.quickOpenNavigateNext","when":"inWindowsPicker" },// focus on terminal {"key":"cmd+4","command":"workbench.action.terminal.focus","when":"!terminalFocus" },]
A task is shortcut to run external action (grunt, shell) without leaving your editor, such as build, test, etc.
// Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings{// core"editor.tabSize": 2,"editor.renderIndentGuides": true,"editor.cursorStyle": "line","editor.cursorBlinking": "solid","files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,"editor.renderWhitespace": "boundary","editor.lineNumbers": "on","editor.minimap.enabled": false,"files.autoSave": "off","editor.renderLineHighlight": "all","workbench.colorCustomizations": {"editorIndentGuide.activeBackground":"#cba680c9" },"workbench.colorTheme": "Monokai Dimmed","workbench.iconTheme": "vs-seti","window.title": "${activeEditorLong}${separator}${rootName}",// vim"vim.disableAnnoyingNeovimMessage": true,"vim.disableExtension": false,"vim.easymotion": true,"vim.sneak": true,"vim.incsearch": true,"vim.useCtrlKeys": true,"vim.hlsearch": true,"vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [ {"before": ["j","j"],"after": ["<Esc>"] } ],// OPTIONAL// Configure glob patterns for excluding files and folders in searches. Inherits all glob patterns from the files.exclude setting."search.exclude": {"**/node_modules":true,"**/bower_components":true,"**/build":true },// Configure glob patterns for excluding files and folders."files.exclude": {"**/*.js": { "when":"$(basename).ts" },"**/*.js.map":true,"**/.git":true,"**/.svn":true,"**/.hg":true,"**/.DS_Store":true,"**/.meteor":true },// HTML (default support by VS Code)// https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/html#_formatting"html.format.wrapAttributes": "force-aligned","html.format.enable": true,// SASS Formatter"sassFormat.indent": 2,"sassFormat.useSingleQuotes": true,// Prettier"prettier.singleQuote": true,"prettier.printWidth": 140,// or 120, for *.ts file we change width to 180// markdown"markdown.preview.breaks": true,// Set the style file name. for example: github.css, monokai.css ... https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/tree/master/src/styles"markdown-pdf.highlightStyle": "monokai.css",// A list of URLs or local paths to CSS style sheets to use from the markdown preview. Relative paths are interpreted relative to the folder open in the explorer. If there is no open folder, they are interpreted relative to the location of the markdown file. All '\' need to be written as '\\'."markdown.styles": ["https://raw.githubusercontent.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/master/src/styles/monokai.css" ],// codelens"typescript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": false,"git.enableSmartCommit": true,"gitlens.codeLens.enabled": true,"gitlens.advanced.messages": {"suppressCommitHasNoPreviousCommitWarning":false,"suppressCommitNotFoundWarning":false,"suppressFileNotUnderSourceControlWarning":false,"suppressGitVersionWarning":false,"suppressLineUncommittedWarning":false,"suppressNoRepositoryWarning":false,"suppressResultsExplorerNotice":true,"suppressShowKeyBindingsNotice":true },"gitlens.keymap": "none","gitlens.historyExplorer.enabled": true,// Extension: Open Spec File"openSpecFile.suffixMap": {".ts":".spec.ts",".js":".spec.js", },// TypeScript Import Sorter// Left number of spaces for the new lined imports"importSorter.importStringConfiguration.tabSize": 2,// The count of units before import is newlined"importSorter.importStringConfiguration.maximumNumberOfImportExpressionsPerLine.count": 140,// The default order level of everything which is not include into rules"importSorter.sortConfiguration.customOrderingRules.rules": [ {"regex":"^@angular","orderLevel":0,"numberOfEmptyLinesAfterGroup":0 }, {"regex":"^[@]","orderLevel":10 }, {"regex":"^[a-zA-Z]",// 'rxjs/'"orderLevel":10 }, {"regex":"^[.]","orderLevel":30 } ],}
How to add an "Open with VS Code" icon in Finder toolbar?