
  • file protocol has three forward slashes: file:///

  • Use to mean quotes. It makes the content more structural than double quotes '"' as not in all language that the double quotes is used for quoting.

  • Use to quote a block of text. The default browser behavior is to indent the text block.

  • 对于 HTML,您无法通过在 HTML 代码中添加额外的空格或换行来改变输出的效果。当显示页面时,浏览器会移除源代码中多余的空格和空行。所有连续的空格或空行都会被算作一个空格。

  • ul li are block items

    • how to use custom marker for bullet points? list-style-image: url(image/backpack.gif)

  • basic HTML5 structure

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">

URL Query String:

URL Encoding

  • everything not ASCII will be encoded

  • Eg, %920 is space

Charater entity:

  • &gt, &lt, &amp, &copy, or use &#100 (use number instead of names)

  • JavaScript provides functions encodeURIComponent and decodeURIComponent to add these codes to strings and remove them again


  • Jpeg:lossy information format

  • Png: lossless format

  • Gif: up t 256 colors. Only one color can be set to transparent.

  • always provide alternative <img src="x“ alt="this should be the picture content

  • <img> is a inline element. So if you have multiple images, they will be put side by side by default.

  • you can use css to always add a background image to any element:

    background-image: url(images/background.gif);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: top left;


  • table cel has no margin property. Use border-spacing from table to specify the entire table.

  • use rowspan to span cell across rows. The spanned row therefore doesn't need to have the td cells.

  • DON'T use table to layout stuff! Think about my gift page, do I need to use table to layout? I think it's fine for table as they are tabular data. (p607)

    • table in html tells your data is in the relationships of tabular data items. In general, table is not used for presentation.

    • table in css gives you a way to display block-level elements. If you just want to use a table-like presentation, then use css table.

    • table cannot be loaded faster, the whole thing has to be loaded for browser to determine layout. It cannot be easily cached either.

  • You can also use dl to display key/value pair, like table

table html:


table css:

div.tableRow { display: table-row; }
div.tableRow p { display: cell; }

css table, when you use it, make sure you add the following to the cell div, otherwise the cell content is aligned to middle or bottom! (p520) vertical-align: top;

<lable> use label and property 'for' with id: <label for="id of the lable points to">text</label>


  • radio has same name

    <input type="radio" name="sex" value="male" checked>Male
    <input type="radio" name="sex" value="female">Female
  • select, name, option, value (select can have a multiple boolean attribute)

    <select name="cars">
    <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
    <option value="saab">Saab</option>
    <option value="opel">Opel</option>
    <option value="audi">Audi</option>
  • use 'required' boolean property to make sure the field is not empty when submitting.

  • How to style file input? Wrap it under label and hide it

    <label class="custom-file-upload">
      <input type="file"/>
      Custom Upload
  • how to access elements of a form?

    <form name="myForm">  
      <input type="text" name="foo" id="foo" />
    document.getElementById('foo'); // preferred
    document.getElementById("myform").elements["foo"];; // note it might return foo property of the form instead of foo element.

<abbr> use it instead of <acronym>, abbreviation is not a word (DOM is acronym).

<p>I do <abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr></p>

<video> tag:

  • they are boolean attributes such as 'controls'

  • video = container (mp4/webm/ogg/flash) + video(encoded with H.264/VP8) + audio(encoded with AAC/Vorbis)

      <video controls autoplay width="515" height="234" poster="image that displays when video is not playing">
          <source src="sd/dsfsd.mp4">
          <source src="sd/dsfsd.webm" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'> <!-- NOTE use single quote to wrap double quotes -->
          <object>this should be the fallback flash player</object>
          <p>the text is displayed if your video is NOT supported</p>



  • progressive enhancement: make your core content first, don't add important content using JavaScript (search engine can't search)

  • graceful degration

  • don't use '#'?


  • you can use element.src = 'ss' to replace element.setAttribute('src', 'ss'), but it's old method and not DOM. Stick with DOM API!

  • don't use psuedo-protocal like this:

    <a href="#" onclick=";">example</a>

  • don't use document.write()

  • use element.innerHTML wisely, as it's replacing the whole value inside the element. (no fine-grain control,



  • eventName = "JavaScript Statement1; statement2;"

  • 'this' means the invoking element.

  • return false to prevent default behavior.

  • don't use inline javascript to add event:

    <a onlick="javascript code">

  • don't use 'onclick', it's the same as inline, and the event becomes a property, which can be overritten.

  • use 'addEventListener' or 'attachevent', better yet, use JQuery.

      $('#id').on("click", function(event){alert($(this).text()); }); // JQeury
      element.addEvent(type, fn); // MooTools



  • how to check if it's checked:

    • $('#checkbox').prop('checked')

    • $('#checkbox').is(':checked')

    • select $('#checkbox').filter(':checked')

    • $('#input[type="checkbox"]:checked')

    • $('#input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked)')

  • how to check: (it doesn't trigger event by default, use change() to trigger change event) $('.myCheckbox').prop('checked', true)

  • how to disable:

    if disable
      $('input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked)').attr 'disabled', true
      $('input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked)').removeAttr 'disabled'

getElementsByTagName can also work on the element:

    var table = document.getElementById("forecast-table"); 
    var cells = table.getElementsByTagName("td");


    var p = document.getElementById("testText"); // it's a p element
    // p.nodeValue is null, the text is its first child's value
    var text = p.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
  • firstChild is the same as childNodes[0]

  • nodeValue: text of the node if textNode.

  • nodeType:

    • element node (1)

    • attribute node (2)

    • text node (3)

  • className: set/get class for the html element.

  • createElement: create

  • createTextNode: create text for

  • appendChild

      <p>This is <em>my<em> content</p>
      text node(This is) + element node(em) + text node(content)
                          text node(my)
  • insertBefore

    targetElement.parentNode.insertBefore(newElement, targetElement)

  • why do we need parent node? Think about the function is telling the parent node to insert an element inside it.

insertAfter (custom function)

    function insertAfter(newElement, targetElement) {
        var parent = targetElement.parentNode;
        if(parent.lastChild == targetElement) {
        } else {
            parent.insertBefore(newElement, targetElement.nextSibling);


  • don't assume the node is always an elment node. For example, some browser might add a 'line break' text node:

              sdfsdfdfsf <br>
              2nd line <br>
              this is <abbr title="abbriation">abbr</abbr>

    last child for blockquote is the line break.

in this case, to get the last element (not the node), use this: element.getElementsByTagName("")[element.getElementsByTagName("").length-1]

css related:

  • '-' is reserved keyword, so 'background-color' is illegal. Use cameralCase: backgroundColor.

  • use only works if the style is directly set in html.


  • element.scrollTop: the scrollbar offset to top, >=0. $(document).scrollTop()

  • $(e).offset() the {top, left} to document

  • scroll to do something: pen

    • compare scrollTop to the object's offset


can use css style to select elements:

    $('tag[attr]') // all tag element with 'attr' attribute
    $('tag[attr*=value]') // see doc
    $('tag:first-child') // pseudo elements
    $('tag:contains('test')') // select all tag elements with text 'test'
    $('div nav a') // select all a elements in nav div.


    $() is a constructor to create a JQuery() object.
    $('').eq(0), get 0 index and constrcut a new jQuery object
    `$('tr').eq(0) === $($('tr')[0])`
    with context: jQuery( selector [, context ] )


$(callback); is a shortcut for $(document).ready(callback).

What is end()?

Use .end() to pop up stack: end the most recent filtering operation in the current chain and return the set of matched elements to its previous state.

    $(document).ready(function() {
       $('#faq').find('dd').hide().end().find('dt').click(function() {

By using end(), the first find() is undone, so we can start search with the next find() at our #faq element, instead of the dd children. Within the click handler, the function passed to the click() method, we use $(this).next() to find the next sibling starting from the current dt.

What's 'this'?

It's a context depending on caller.

     function addClickHandlers() {
       $("a.remote", this).click(function() {
         $("#target").load(this.href, addClickHandlers);

Note the $("a.remote", this) query, this is passed as a context: For the document ready event, this refers to the document, and it therefore searches the entire document for anchors with class remote. When addClickHandlers is used as a callback for load(), this refers to a different element: In the example, the element with id target. This prevents that the click event is applied again and again to the same links, causing a crash eventually.



  • use on() vs e.currentTarget:

if you have 'click tr', then clicking on td will trigger that event too with being td and currentTarget being tr

get html5 data- attributes

use attr(). the data() will convert to lowercase and to camelCase. Use data() to store dynamically generated data


[] examples:

    $("a[name]").css("background", "#eee" ); // add a background color to all anchor elements with a name attribute.
    $("#orderedlist > li").addClass("blue"); // This selects all child lis of the element with the id orderedlist and adds the class "blue".

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