How to center ul?
Make ul
display: inline-block
in a text-align: center
div http://codepen.io/hamxiaoz/pen/egLOwV
How to reposition the class under specified parent in SASS/LESS?
For example you have:
And you want to adjust the margin under the root class .native
You can use &
LESS: Parent Selectors:
Usages of &
: (also on my Medium post)
is placed before a selector, it refers to the immediate parent.
is placed after a selector, that selector becomes the root selector and&
represents the whole path and the whole path is repositioned under the root selector.
How to add search icon to input?
Could not use ::before because input doesn't have content
Position icon in input, and make it vertically center with top and translateY
Padding left on input for space of the icon
Form control margin
Bootstrap: row click and offmenu canvas
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