How to center ul?

Make ul display: inline-block in a text-align: center div http://codepen.io/hamxiaoz/pen/egLOwV

How to reposition the class under specified parent in SASS/LESS?

For example you have:

.parent1 {
  .parent2 {
    .container {
      margin: 5px 0;

And you want to adjust the margin under the root class .native:

.native {

    .parent1 {
      .parent2 {
        .container {
          margin: 10px 0;

You can use & LESS: Parent Selectors:

.parent1 {
  .parent2 {
    .container {
      margin: 5px 0;

      .native & {   // -> it turns to: .native .parent1 .parent2 .container {}
        margin: 10px 0;

Usages of &: (also on my Medium post)

  • When & is placed before a selector, it refers to the immediate parent.

// -> .some-class.another-class
.some-class {
  &.another-class {}

// -> .button:hover {}
.button {
  &:hover {}

.a {
  .b {
    // -> .a .b.b1 (not .a.b1 .b)
    &.b1 {
      color: red;
  • When & is placed after a selector, that selector becomes the root selector and & represents the whole path and the whole path is repositioned under the root selector.

// -> body.page-about .button {}
.button {
  body.page-about & { }

.a {
  .b {
    // -> .root .a .b 
    .root & {
      color: black;
    // -> .a1.a .b
    .a1& {
      color: red;
    // -> .a .b.b1
    &.b1 {
      color: yellow;

How to add search icon to input?


  • Could not use ::before because input doesn't have content

  • Position icon in input, and make it vertically center with top and translateY

  • Padding left on input for space of the icon

Form control margin


Bootstrap: row click and offmenu canvas


Last updated