
more coffeescript tricks:


  • loop array: for item in arr or for item, index in arr

  • loop object: for prop, value of obj or for own property, value of object (use hasOwnProperty())

fat arrow in coffeescript

  • read this

  • use => when we need @ to be the object in which method is written; use-> when we need @ to be the object in which method is executed.

String with format

print = """
  1st line
  2nd line
  #{supports interpolation}
  last line

Instance method, variables

class Songs
  _titles: 0    # instance var, Although it's directly accessible, the leading _ defines it by convention as private property.
  get_count: ->
    @_titles # access instance var
  call_another_method: ->
    return @get_count() # call another instance method

How to write function as a part of parameter

Router.go 'home', -> 
  this.render 'home'
  name: 'h'
  old: 'b'

reverse for loop

coffeescript reverse for loop: for i in [arr.length-1..0] by -1 iterations in coffeescript

Last updated