CSS Layout
flow (how browser place elements):
when browser places two inline elements, the margin = left + right
when browser places two block elements, the margin = largest(left, right)
whenever you have two vertical margins touching (no touching if they have border), they will collapse: use the largest one.
How does it work:
Origin: was originally designed to float image to allow content to wrap around images. NOT intended for positioning or layout.
A floated box is positioned within the normal flow, then taken out of the flow and shifted to the left or right as far as possible.
non-positioned block boxes created before and after the float box flow vertically as if the float didn’t exist. However, iline boxes created next to the float are shortened to make room for the floated box. 尽管它被taken out了, 但是其他元素还是会尊重它的box model. 不会有重叠, 这也是float最初用来图文排版的初衷.
Being taken out, this causes the width of that element to default to the width of the content within it.
might change the element'sdisplay
propertyfloat: right
what the browser does is remove the element and float it to the right, then flow other elements as the element is removed (but the border is considered when flowing inline elements)
how to fix layout using float issues:
overflow: auto
or clear fix, See here
The clear CSS property specifies whether an element can be next to floating elements that precede it or, must be moved down (cleared) below them. The clear property applies to both floating and non-floating elements.
affects the applying element, not other elements
clear: right;
: no floating element is allowed on this element's right side.
Layout Examples using float or inline-block:
How about 3 columns? float left for all and assign width.
layout using inline-block
Other usage:
you can float li in ul so 4 lis will be in the same row ( http://dashinsky.com/designer-news-statistics/)
li { display: inline-block;}
or float the badge: see gist revision number.
overflow (http://css-tricks.com/the-css-overflow-property)
Every single element on a page is a rectangular box, it grows/shrinks to accomodate the content, but if there are other constraints such as height, the content is displayed by the overflow property.
'visible': default, everything is visible, even ouside the bounds of the box. But it doesn't affect the flow layout.
'hidden': no show out of bound.
'scroll': you get both scrollbars no matter the needs.
'auto': better 'scroll', only scrollbar (one or two) based on the needs.
means it's not positioned.
- relative to itselfit's still static, where it can be offset by adding other property such as
etcIt still ocupy the old space, so elements after it still think it's there.
- relative to viewport脱离文件流
fixed relative to the viewport, means it's always staying in the same place, even the page is scrolled.
比如fixed footer (由于脱离文件流,注意给body margin-bottom)
- relative to document or nearestabsolute
is removed from the flow and be placed to exact where you tell it to go, no other elements (including inline ones) know it exists!
It behaves like
except not relative to viewport, but relative to the document, or to the nearest absolute or relative parent (when the parent is body, the element will still scroll (unlike fixed))absolute是基于父级元素的定位,当父级元素是relative的时候,absolute的元素就会是基于它的定位了。比如你可以让一个按钮始终显示在一个元素的右下角。
float和position的区别, 等
原来是用float来在一排并列各个div的, 但是现在可以用display:inline-block来做, 更简单. 注意: inline-block elements are affected by the vertical-align property, which you probably want set to top.
我们常说的文档流其实是指默认文档流。基本显示模型block和inline分别是块狀换行和连续多行模型,前者可以设定尺寸,后者不可以设定尺寸(根据内容决定尺寸和折行)。 不过我们总是遇到固定尺寸,或者固定部分尺寸且不折行的场景,这个时候我们马上会想到使用float来做布局,因为float会触发shrink to fit特性,实现根据内容决定尺寸,float还不会产生折行,我们通过clear来手工模拟折行。 很多时候我们希望控制的布局流问题不需要float和position实现,而应该通过显示模型定义来解决。比如现在的column layout、flex box等等,都是在这个角度解决我们遇到的问题,它们应该才是正解。
Mobile上面那么你就知道为啥float很少在布局上使用。Android和iOS里面的flex box已经非常稳定了,很低版本(Android 1.6,iOS 3)就已经很好支持了,用这些布局模型在窄小且多样的手机屏幕上面相当可靠,而float在这些情况下则问题层出不穷。所以我现在相信mobile first,也相信移动设备的Web能够更好的推广CSS3的众多新特性的采用。比如新的CSS3 background and box module在移动设备里面几乎是必备的,因为background-size是retina display必用的,而border-image则是解决复杂的按钮和面板的最佳解决方案。如果你做Mobile Web,那么你就会爱上CSS3新特性,也会享受它带来的标准化的世界的好处。
float对应的其实是传统印刷排版中图文混排中的环绕。这其实可以理解,因为CSS的模型和术语脱胎于传统排版,故而与计算机GUI技术通常基于组件的模型相差甚远。还有,CSS box model中,width/height不算入padding和border,许多开发者对这点很不适应,这实际上是GUI的控件思维与CSS排版思维的冲突。
再说position布局。position其实比float要更接近“布局”属性。但是position的问题是,所谓布局是设定各区域(元素)的关联和约束,而定位只是设定单一元素的位置大小 (问题的本质!!!)。要实现一个布局,要对多个定位元素中手动设定相关的参数(如左栏width:200px,右栏left:200px),相当于人为的把大小和位置参数计算出来。这违背了DRY原则,也无法真正实现关联约束。(如左栏设了max/min-width之后,最终实际width未必是200px,此时右栏怎么设left值?又如一个水平固定width、垂直自适应height的绝对定位元素,我们如何从它的底部继续排下一个元素?)除非我们引入JavaScript脚本来进行计算。因此运用position布局的限制条件相当多,通常只适合那些相对孤立的部件(如页头页脚)或较为简单且各区域大小位置固定的布局。至于说以JavaScript实现的布局管理器,是将position作为实现布局的底层技术,已经算不得CSS了(因为你也不写CSS)。
position不是用来做布局。float是传统css布局手段 float能让元素从文档流中抽出,它并不占文档流的空间,典型的就是图文混排中文字环绕图片的效果了。并且float这也是目前使用最多的网页布局方式。不过需要注意的是清除浮动是你可能需要注意的地方。并且如果你要考虑到古老的IE6之类的还会有一些bug诸如双边距等等问题。 而position顾名思义就是定位。他有以下这几种属性:static(默认),relative(相对定位),absolute(绝对定位)和fixed(固定定位)。其中static和relative会占据文档流空间,他们并不是脱离文档的。absolute和fixed是脱离文档流的,不会占据文档流空间。
old layout methods
To archive a left side pane layout, we use use either:
position of all: http://learnlayout.com/position-example.html
float sidepane and have body margin-left: http://learnlayout.com/float-layout.html
use inline-block: http://learnlayout.com/inline-block-layout.html
用最合适的技术, 其中直接对应目前float布局/inline-block布局所要达到效果的,是flex box. 见这个slide
two column: (p521)
method 1: float sidebar element to the right, make margin-right of the main element the same as the sidebar.
method 2: jello layout: (p521)
method 3: absolute position elements
mehtod 4: css table
Last updated